Thursday 24 October 2013

Do we get the media we want, or do we want the media we get.

I believe that we as human beings we want what the media is giving us. We have become dependent on the idealistic view of the human body that the media has given us and it has caused us to crave more and more from the media. Now whatever the media is giving us has become the new cool thing; the new fad. I believe that not only has the media changed the way we look at life but also the way in which it is intended to influence the public.
            Everything that we now see in the media has become the new way of life. We take in whatever is out there and apply it to our everyday lives. It has become more than just promotion. “The technological medium itself is of paramount importance because the means used to communicate a message has a social logic that informs the way we think, the way we represent things, and the way we perceive and extend ourselves into the world.” (O’Shaughnessy, Stadler. P.116) This is stating that because of the things that we witness in the media we act and behave a specific way out in the world around us. We need to be led in the world now; we need that guiding hand of the media to make it through our day to day lives. “some people have criticised digital games as forms of technology that discourage children from developing their physiques through exercise, or that they are morally dangerous because of their emphasis on sex and violence.” (O’Shaughnessy, Stadler. P.124) this is another example of how the media has altered the behaviour of the population. We are still drawn to these kind of games, they have become more popular even than most sports.
            I believe that we want what the media is giving us and that we could no longer function without it. We crave a supporting hand in this world, and due to the fact that the media is all around us and so easily accessed we take all our help from there.


O’Shaughnessy, Stadler. Media and Society fifth edition. 2012. 

the impact of media on ourselves and others

Mass media is the means of communicating a large amount of information to a large audience; quickly, easily and across a large area. Mass media can come in many forms, many of which we see every day, even though we pay little attention to much of it. Film, TV, social networking and newspapers are but some of the tools that are used to control the flow of information reaching us.
Media impacts us all whether it is wanted or not; whether it’s for good or bad. There are many positives and negative factors that mass media causes. Many positive points like helping us to keep In touch with what is happening not only in our small communities but around the world. The media in our small communities has always helped us become sympathetic to the plights of others. With the introduction of mass media we are capable of sympathising and offering aid to many of those around the globe that are less fortunate than ourselves. We are capable of talking about these issues in a safe and controlled environment, but through the media we can feel more connected to the rest of the world.
Approximately four years ago I emigrated from England and through the use of mass media I was able to keep in touch with what is happening back there. I could communicate with my family more easily and effectively, which has made the transition manageable.
I believe that the media has played a large role in my life and that I will continue to play a role.  To the best of my knowledge, mass media plays a large role in everyone’s life at the moment. It only comes into play when we decide as human beings to take stock in what is being said or not. We all make the conscious decision to believe in what we see in the media or not.

Media is a constant in the 21st century.  A way in which we are capable of collecting and sharing information all of mine, and most likely many of you who read have collected some kind of information from mass media during your lives. Even now the effect of mass media is influencing you as you read this blog.